
How to clean up system logs
How to clean up system logs

how to clean up system logs

> debug software disk-usage cleanup deep threshold 90 * threshold percentage threshod of size of system partition to kick off cleanup + deep cleanup with deleting backup logfile

how to clean up system logs

In PAN-OS versions 8.1.0+, cleanup can be done manually using the command below: > debug software disk-usage aggressive-cleaning disable > debug software disk-usage aggressive-cleaning enable *.4, *.log.old) if the 95% occupancy alarm is tripped. This will automatically truncate all old log files (entries under all *var/log/pan directories matching *.1. This command is available on PAN-OS 7.1.14+, PAN-OS 8.0.7+ and PAN-OS 8.1.0+.

How to clean up system logs